February 10, 2003

The Reflections Therein

I feel like a different person today. I feel all wound up and simultaneously worn out. The morning was wasted on class and Health Center and trudging around in the snow. I have only a little time left before goes my afternoon and evening to work.

What is life but a series of sexual encounters, fresh tears drying on pale skin, avoiding old friends and older relatives, driving fast and running from the police, going to bed early and getting up late, numbing the mind with television and computer games and chocolate, paper cuts and surgeries, bawling children and weeping-screaming parents, tap water and decaffeinated coffee, fat rain and fast rain, cartoons and dramatic films, love and hate and the desperate, quivering line between?

My life. This is just my life.

astera at 12:47 p.m.

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