February 8, 2001

Eye of the Tiger

It was 'Eye of the Tiger' today. Senior proficiencies again...even though I have this strange intuition that tells me we aren't proficient at anything. So we had citizenship, today; or 'cipizenshit', if you want to be truly specific about it. We fortunate Taylor students have found new ways to vandalize our halls. The genius of our Student Council (what exactly do they council?) have loaned every month some sort of moral-fibered theme, emblazoning the halls with various promotions for good will and other grand ideals of human kind. November was citizenship. The good students of Taylor took the liberties of rearranging the letters on the wall. Quite entertaining, really.

But I did have a point to this story? Yes. 'Eye of the Tiger.' The enthusiasm of our resident government teacher, Mr. Chip Dobson, brought proficiency testing to new and frightening heights. Not only was the morning bleak and gray at the prospect of the test, he was predictably compelled to 'pump us up.' So, as one-hundred and thirty (or so) groggy seniors assemble into our too-small cafeteria, Mr. Dobson blasts some sort of 'raise the roof' anthem and waves his arms in the air. Anyone who was not previously coherent is now thoroughly so. A few students, so overwhelmed by this display of pep, join in; dancing on tables, clapping, cheering. All while our stone-faced principal watches on. Personally, I think it is the rampant drug problem at Taylor that compells such behavior. But that's just me.

So, as I try desperately to lay my head inconspicuously on my boyfriend's shoulder, we listen to 'Eye of the Tiger.' This is an All-American movie, I am told. I guess that makes me less American for not having seen it. Too bad.

astera at afternoon, of course

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