February 12, 2001

Tumultuous Day: Part Two

It was a beautiful day, one of those nice brisk ones where the sky is blue and it's just a slight, biting February cold. We decided to go to the park, and to the park we went. After a difficult decision between taking the 'Oak Leaf' or the 'Bad Lands' trail we commenced upon the latter. It was muddy and freezing and everyone we passed had at least one dog with them. We saw a lot of trees, but nothing about the land seemed particuraly 'bad.'

A half-hour later we were back in the car, driving around aimlessly while I regained feeling in my ears and nose. I had already aniticipated Ryan's real motivation for going to the park so I wasn't suprised when he parked at a particuraly scenic ridge and looked over at me with those lovely, desperate brown eyes. Sooooo, one thing led to another...not sex, dumb-ass! A) We were in the fucking PARK for Christ's sake, in broad daylight, no less, where little children and old people could meander by at any moment; 2) I'm not retarded. We haven't been dating that long and I do have some sort of future ahead of me. Jeez. Enough preaching. Back to my nifty story.

The usual. Nice kissing, his sweet hands on my face and my back...but people kept driving past. And sort of hanging out. It ruined the mood, if you will.

So we drove away in search of a better land, where we could make-out uninhibited by the perils of society and the patrons of Saturday in the park, where we could be free from all their shackles and eyes...okay, it wasn't really that dramatic but humor me.

After saying 'no' to several extremely conspicuous places (boys can be so dumb sometimes), Ryan pulled into a abandoned parking lot in a dead-end. So that was cool. But only briefly. The situation was already hysterical and I just can't take myself seriously in the car, in a park, after fifteen minutes of driving around with no other agenda other than to find a good place to make-out. Please tell me you see the humor in this.

But then the park ranger came. I swear Ryan jumped back into his seat so fast I nearly laughed. Good thing we were both clad. So he started up the car and looked over at the park ranger who was just kind of staring at us. I felt like a fugitive, my hair disheveled and covering my face. I refused to look at the guy.

Ryan waved.

Then we left, naturally.

astera at ten past forever

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