March 20, 2001

Tuesday Rambling

"If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?" I wonder. "Sometimes life spins around like those damn teacup rides that make you puke all over yourself." Yeah, I can agree with that."Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice." Damn good advice, Polonius.

Feeling slightly quote-ish. I haven't had any good adventures lately, but how I long to write! What is there in my day, in my life, worth remarking upon? We watched the Lion King in choir and I sang along. The Stupid Boys (minus Ryan, his hands were occupied around my waist:) threw things. Mandy had technical difficulties with her tear-aways and Crystal and I tried to put lip gloss on Ryan and Scott. I put some on Ryan, of course, but not with my hands...

Absent of my muses...I stare blankly at the vomit green tile on the floor in my Spanish classroom...only apathy for Miguel Hidalgo and his "Grito de Dolores"...but I'd like to play with the nifty yellow highlighters...and I'm thinking about Dancing Hell looming a scant twenty minutes from now...a possible foray to the costume closet...imagining how ridiculous I'm going to look shaking my breasts, upside-down, no less...Keisha is a maniac...Hampton better haul his white ass to practice today...and we get to see Oak Hills "Grease" tomorrow...and how I hope their Rizzo blows...seeing as my will is based almost solely upon know, Ryan likes my dance pants a trifle bit too much...but that's okay by me...

astera at after hours

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