April 27, 2001


Are you diggin' this beautiful new format? I'm fond of the contrast of green and purple myself. Kels helped me out with it. Muchos gracias, mi amiga!

We just watched X-Men. For anyone who hasn't seen it, who thinks it'll be a pathetic attempt to recreate a comic book and who even likes those things anymore, you are WRONG. It is excellent, for both those individuals who are familiar with the comic and/or the cartoon and for those of you who are like Wolverine who? And, if all else fails, Wolverine is totally hot. He truly has buns of steel. Ha! I made a joke!

Speaking of jokes, I heard a rather funny one today. If you have sex with your clone, are you gay or masturbating? Now that is a puzzle.

Women's underwear commercials terrify me. I am not enticed to purchase these sensual undergarments, despite how erotic and silky smooth the perfectly built model in the commercial appears to be. Who are they selling the underwear to? Women are not encouraged to spend money by the skantily clad women whose figures they can only dream of. If you want to sell underwear to women, put men in your commercials. Wearing those silk panties. Now I'd have to get me some of that shit.

astera at before bed

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