November 23, 2001

Magnetic Ass

Apparently, according to my psychotic boss, I have a magnetic ass. This is good to know. I must make sure I stay away from large vehicles and refrigerator magnets.

Guess who called me again today? He was delightful. We were insulting and affectionate and I feel delicious despite the fact that our conversation was cut short by the expiration of his calling card. Mid-sentence.

He didn't need to say he loved me for me to know it. Not tonight. Tonight I am thinking of the comfort of his arms, now less than a month from me. I will be going about my business in Cappel's (complete with my magnetic ass), and suddenly it will strike me that I will see him within a fathomable amount of time. I can almost feel his arms, the soft cotton of his shirt, the way he smells. I can picture him, picture that moment when I will feel not at all silly and burst into tears and run to him and he will catch me. And never let me go.

Going to see Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone again tomorrow. No cape, though.

Only cause it's in the laundry.

astera at fun times

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