January 29, 2002

Babbling Like a Brook

So I was going through my eighth grade year book. And I have one question. Is the eight grade vocabulary so limited that the only farewell that can be managed is 'Have a great summer, see you Next Year'? Perhaps I was just not popular enough to warrant anything of value.

I'm going to say both are true.

Normally I wouldn't be looking through that God forsaken article, except for the fact that Justin dumped it into my lap after having found it is in his room and I didn't have anything worthwhile to do. I have tried in vain to block out my middle school years, as they make me want to cringe and crawl into my bed for an indefinite amount of time. Seventh grade was an oblivious blast, thanks to Kelsi, but sixth and eighth were considerably miserable. Whereas now I revel in my dorkiness, then I was less than confident about it. I dressed funny and I had funny hair and I didn't stand up for myself nearly enough. I just wish I could go back in time and tell everybody that ever said anything nasty to me to fuck off.

I wonder when I became a bitch.

What is nougat? Does anyone know?

Lord, how I crave employment. Me. Wanting a job. There is just something entirely wrong with that. I am going to try desperately to get a part time hostess job until the library calls, 'cause then I'd probably be able to keep it.

The library better fucking call.

Is nearly three years experience not enough?

I am grouchy and confused.

astera at 1:07 p.m.

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