February 17, 2002

C is for Kitty

I was going to link here the entry wherein I said awful things about Moulin Rouge. But I'm too lazy to look through my entries, seeing as the titles rarely apply to what I'm actually talking about. So I'll just say that whatever it was, I take it back.

Moulin Rouge was absolutely wonderful. Despite the slapstick humor, which I loathed, the rest of it was fantastic. Let's just say that when Satine met an unfortunate end, and Christian started sobbing, I lost it. I was hysterically crying, to the point that Cassy was laughing at me.

Well, seeing as Cassy laughs at me an awful lot, that probably doesn't really give you an idea of how hard I was crying.

I cry all the time. And this was an unsual level of distraught, even for me.

I just didn't think I'd care when she died!

I overestimate myself. Or, rather, my psychotic head.

Last night was so awesome. I went over to Kelsi's and subsequently Cassy's. And Clare was there! Breathing! She's had mono, so we were stumbled to see her moving around without the aide of a cane or oxygen tubes or something. So we all went into Cassy's closet of a bedroom (which is actually probably larger than mine but she insists on a huge bed) and played Frogger on her Atari. Or, rather, they played Frogger and I wrestled the controls from them and got them squashed.

Quality entertainment, if you ask me.

Then, of course, the Moulin Rouge fest.

And today Kelsi and I pillaged her family's overwhelming collection of videocassetes and ended up watching a random Jem movie and Time Bandits. Needless to say, it was a rather frightening trip back into our childhood. Jem was amusing, mostly because the blue-haired guitar player had a different accent everytime she said something. At one point she even sounded a bit like Cheech Marin.

We were watching Jem, of course, because for Halloween next year the four of us plan on being the band. We're going to hologram the shit out of ourselves.

And Time Bandits was just plain fucking weird. Maybe I had a thing for midgets when I was little. It was bizarre and convoluted and Sean Connery was in it. As well as the guy who played Bilbo in Lord of the Rings. And there were midgets. O, midgets aplenty.

And I was delighted when I returned home, whilst I was in the process of actually hanging my clothes in my closet as opposed to just throwing them in the little cubbies alongside it, to recieve a phone call from Ryan whilst he was at the Linkin Park concert. The show wasn't due to start for a while, and he was just calling to tell me they had great seats and he was going to take lots of pictures for me.

I am so happy.

astera at 9:48 p.m.

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