May 26, 2002

If I'm Leia, where the fuck is Han?

For a while the farm I live on was like a creepy cat village. People kept dropping off their unwanted felines, and then my aunt, the bleeding heart that she is, would feed them. All of them. So we had about twenty cats prowling about, their eyes glinting in the shadows, their yowls audible every night. The really Stephen-King-esque thing about it was that when the cats started to have babies (because they all fucked like rabbits), the male cats would eat them. As though it were no big deal. I came home one night to a decapitated baby kitten in the parking lot, and a big tabby cat munching on its head.

I'm glad we got rid of the cats. I'm glad I'm a dog person.

I held the most adorable Jack Russel puppie at the flea market today. The cute pet shop boy passed it to me, with quite a puppy dog look on his face. I wanted to buy him. The dog, not the boy. But he was three hundred dollars.

If the boy would've been going for about twenty bucks, I might've splurged and carried him home in a tattered plastic Kroger bag.

I love the Flea Market. I love other people's junk. One can purchase so very much for so very little, if you know how to shop. I am a seasoned veteran.

Today's Thrifty Flea Market Purchases

Tori Amos, Boys for Pele
The Wallflowers, Bringing Down the Horse
Enya, Paint the Sky with Stars
Pressed Flower Picture Frame
25 Incense Sticks
2 Pairs Nifty Black Shoes
Aeroplane T-Shirt
1 pair crystal stud earrings
The Tom Cruise classic, Legend
Star Wars: A New Hope Movie Poster

I spent twenty dollars even. The most expensive thing was the poster. Both the movie, and the two pairs of shoes, were a dollar each.

The Aeroplane T-shirt thoroughly amuses me. It had this quirky saying on it, and I just couldn't figure out what it meant. It's yellow, with an old-fashioned looking aeroplane emblazoned across the front. Propellors and all, with the saying 'No Handpropping Allowed' underneath. I could not figure out what it meant.

Until I tried it on.

If you can figure it out you're smarter than me. Though that's not too difficult to often be.

I wore my hair in two goofy little buns today. It won me the handle of 'Princess Leia' to my co-workers and supervisors. My manager Robert managed to say 'May the Force be with you' just about everytime I happened by.

Needless to say, it was the highlight of my night.

Ian and I are going for coffee tomorrow. I want to like him. I so want to like him, because he's so perfect. I suppose we shall see, because I can't really make a decision about anything yet. Especially when I will be working with delicious, shaven-headed Chris tomorrow as well.

I have chemistry with the wrong people.

My carnal half is retarded.

astera at sighs

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