September 6, 2002

Vin Vin Vin

This morning I bought myself frappachino and animal crackers, and my spirits were set aright. Instead of feeling like shit for no reason, I now feel rather delicious for that same lack of.

It is cool outside and I am wearing olive green and a side parted ponytail. Hoorah.

My hair is getting so long and I love it.

I talked to both my brother and Mike last night. I abandoned The Goonies for the former and perpetuated my absence with the latter. My brother is a squishy delight and I cannot wait to see him at Christmas. My boyfriend is equally as lovely and I cannot wait to see him tonight.

It was odd. Suddenly all of my female irrationalities were dispelled, and I could just call, ask a simple question, and laugh as I allowed him to return to his battle with his new computer. It's not really a big deal. He was busy this week. Because he didn't get a chance to call does not mean he no longer loves me.

And trust me, that was not my stance until sometime around ten-thirty last night. I flirt, quite frequently, with the illogical.

And, oddly enough, my having not heard from him this week has forced me to seek other company. Carrie and Bethany across the hall are quirky and fun, and Zeke downstairs is irreverant and companionable. Last night I watched Bridget Jones' Diary with the first pair and The Goonies with Zeke and a bunch of other guys from the second floor. I always end up hanging out with the guys, and yet am probably the least slutty girl you will ever meet. I look all of sixteen year's old in my virginal glory.

Not for long. Excuse me while I cackle.

Actually, for more like long. I know now that I am ready, but I'm waiting for that moment to take the plunge, so to speak. Must recieve medication, of course, and must also deliberate further just to make myself miserable. I excel at this art, you realize.

Ah, me. Who would have thought it.

Listening to the Gorillaz, 'Rock da House.' See the video. It's an experience, to say the least.

I feel so good today. I am back to being Me. Fucking finally.

astera at 11:03 a.m.

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