October 10, 2002

Take Control

Scrawled on the toilet paper dispenser in the 3 West Collins Hall bathroom are two simple, yet effective, words : "Jesus Saves."

Because, frankly, if you're going to spread the word of God, what better way than through defacement of public property?

I am listening to Weezer's 'Maladroit.' I happen to like the album, despite what critique it may have been given by many hardcore Weezer fans. I guess I'm just softcore, like bad porn.

And you might be delighted to know, just in case you didn't, that there is a video, however brief, of Rivers playing the piano. Absolutely swoon-worthy, to say the least.

Mike called and woke me up at nine thirty this morning, to share his lovely news about a certain math test that he got an A on. I was delighted for him, and not surprised to find out, also, that he had not slept that night. He has become entirely nocturnal. I wouldn't mind so much if I could do so with him.

I have homework I should be doing. I am fighting, however, a familiar mental sickness called being lazy. I am also feeling rather ickle due to several both known and unknown reasons. I had too much sleep last night, and a nap this afternoon haunted by an all too vivid dream. I feel bad for missing a few classes yesterday, due to my usual bastard guilty conscience. I am also dreading tomorrow, because there is nothing at all to look forward to within it. Mike doesn't go into work until seven, and works until three thirty in the morning. So no seeing him. Just classesrushworkrushhomebed. Then get up on Saturday and do it all over again.

Frankly, I feel like shit.

I think I am going to go take a nice, hot shower, maybe have a little frivolous cry, then come back and do my reading for English. If I get my actual work done in a timely manner I might have time to write. Or just stare at the computer screen. Either way.

astera at 6:03 p.m.

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