October 15, 2002

Lands of Light

I feel like a militant poet. I've been wandering around in the camouflage jacket my brother sent me for my birthday (emblazoned with my last name, no less), bell bottoms and quirky beanie. It's more than lovely to be odd.

I also felt quite a bit like you last night. I found the beauty and splendiforous joy that is Disney Clipart. I saved likely fifty images to my computer. Now I just need something do with them all.

I studied for my Art History test last night while watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. From this moment on, Sir Galahad and Zoot will be forever fused with Praxiteles and 'Aprodite at Knidos.'

Which is not really that exciting of a piece. If you want to see something good, check out 'Laocoon and his Sons' or 'Nike of Samothrace.'

Despite the obvious distractions of such a study session, I believe I did more than fairly well on today's test. I finshed it in a half-hour, and was the second (almost simultaneous, really) person to do so. I dipped out of class forty-five minutes early.

Which is why I am now eating a delicious deli sandwich and waiting for Mike to arrive. He'll be late, so I'm not worried that I won't finish this entry before he gets here. He is always late. I love him anyway.

I bought us a chocolate chip cookie. I might make him eat three-fourths of it, because I feel horrendous. Totally uncalled for, of course, but what can I say? I told you I was a stupid girl. You persisted in not believing me.

I just changed my shirt for the fourth time. Dammit, someone save me from my incurably shallow self.

astera at 12:07 p.m.

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