February 13, 2003


Just because I suck. Note: Mike's name is in no way a phalic symbol. He reads Stephen King, ok?

Perpetual Jill: i am getting a cell phone
Perpetual Jill: my dad is making me

DarkTower26: for me

Perpetual Jill: not for you
Perpetual Jill: the phone if free and it is 40 a month

DarkTower26: keep it turn off and just check your messages

Perpetual Jill: IS, i mean
Perpetual Jill: what for?
Perpetual Jill: so the battery doesn't die
Perpetual Jill: ?

DarkTower26: or your dad will be calling 24/7

Perpetual Jill: *giggles*
Perpetual Jill: every five minutes:

DarkTower26: but use the battery excuse

Perpetual Jill: "jill! have you heard from your mom?"
Perpetual Jill: "jill! you better not be with mike!"
Perpetual Jill: "jill!" "what, dad? dammit, i'm trying to get a little ass here, okay?"
Perpetual Jill: *cackles*

DarkTower26: a "little ass"?
DarkTower26: what does that mean

Perpetual Jill: *laughs*
Perpetual Jill: i think i messed that up

DarkTower26: my ass is huge

Perpetual Jill: i am trying to do five things at once
Perpetual Jill: o, yeah, mike

DarkTower26: thank you very much

Perpetual Jill: GARGANTUAN
Perpetual Jill: hey
Perpetual Jill: i had a cool dream last night and forgot to tell you about it

DarkTower26: uh oh'

Perpetual Jill: no, it was cool

DarkTower26: were there flying monkeys

Perpetual Jill: you and i were driving down the street and you careened off a bridge into this icy river

DarkTower26: did i die
DarkTower26: did i save a pack of penguins?
DarkTower26: or polar bears?
DarkTower26: did I make ice tea?
DarkTower26: did we go ice skating?
DarkTower26: did we make snowcones?
DarkTower26: which flavor?

Perpetual Jill: and when the truck hit the ice it made a tunnel, and i opened my door and started to swim out, except there wasn't any water

DarkTower26: I like cherry

Perpetual Jill: you are such a dork
Perpetual Jill: let me tell you about my dream dammit and THEN we can talk about snow cones

DarkTower26: then how did you swim

Perpetual Jill: (i like grape)
Perpetual Jill: i just swam through the quasi-air, i guess
Perpetual Jill: i held out my hand to you and you came out with me, and we went up towards the light and it was all white and cool and watery
Perpetual Jill: we were deep under, but we could still breathe
Perpetual Jill: it was just weird and cool

DarkTower26: like in that chemical brother video

Perpetual Jill: yeah!
Perpetual Jill: that's probably where it came from
Perpetual Jill: but it was neat
Perpetual Jill: i keep listening to that song
Perpetual Jill: i love it

DarkTower26: I just started the video

Perpetual Jill: i am trying to download it and it is taking forever

DarkTower26: I've been remodeling our house on the Sims

Perpetual Jill: ooo

Perpetual Jill: flowers and fluffy bunnies?

Perpetual Jill: i thought it would be a good motif

DarkTower26: no bunnies

Perpetual Jill: actually, i am going to bring livin large and we are going to install it and then i am going to copy all my files for you
Perpetual Jill: then you will have the good stuff
Perpetual Jill: ha ha

DarkTower26: you think?

Perpetual Jill: i KNOW
Perpetual Jill: so what does our house look like now?

DarkTower26: Rumpke dump
DarkTower26: with floweres

Perpetual Jill: o no
Perpetual Jill: you didn't use that ickle sloth furniture, did you?
Perpetual Jill: that stuff is gross

DarkTower26: no

Perpetual Jill: so you plowed over the house and filled the gaping hole with trash?
Perpetual Jill: and planted flowers?

DarkTower26: pretty much

Perpetual Jill: wow

DarkTower26: sounds cool huh

Perpetual Jill: intresting technique

DarkTower26: we have been eating garbage for weeks

Perpetual Jill: that can't be very healthy
Perpetual Jill: let's kill the gardener and eat her

DarkTower26: o yeah it is
DarkTower26: ok

Perpetual Jill: you do it, though
Perpetual Jill: and if you get caught, you don't know me

DarkTower26: no problem
DarkTower26: killing gardners is my thing

Perpetual Jill: 's a good hobby

DarkTower26: you shall be the first that I will name

Perpetual Jill: hey bitch
Perpetual Jill: that's not fair

DarkTower26: hey yourself

Perpetual Jill: i'm an innocent bystander

DarkTower26: you were the mastermind

Perpetual Jill: you shall call me MS. bitch, from now on

DarkTower26: and therefore solely responsible

Perpetual Jill: come on
Perpetual Jill: you know you want to go to jail and be someone's bitch

DarkTower26: well.......

Perpetual Jill: a guy named duke who will treat you right...

DarkTower26: his name is durk

Perpetual Jill: o
Perpetual Jill: sorry
Perpetual Jill: won't make THAT mistake again

astera at 10:40 p.m.

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