March 10, 2003


Softcover edition of The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde: $14.79.

Bread, Ramen, pint Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, and Laundry Detergent: $10.48.

Sitting on the couch, in my pajamas, eating said ice cream and intermittently reading and watching Star Trek: The Next Generation: priceless.

For some reason, that has been floating around in my head. Hence, its pasting within here.

You know, I love the fact that Brandon Boyd and Anthony Keidis never feel the need to wear shirts. And that they display their be-tatooed chests in super tripped out videos.

I remember when I was a kid in grade school the administration wouldn't allow any of the students to wear shorts until a certain pre-selected date. I wish that Miami University would have such a rule, only have it apply to sandals. The dumb fucks on campus are already wearing flip flops, nevermind the fact that it is still no more than forty degrees when walking to and from class. I actually saw a girl in blue flip flops in a sweater with a scarf around her neck. Isn't there something a bit askew about that picture?

Wow. Sully from Godsmack now has long blond-frosted hair. What the hell was he thinking?

I love MTV's Clone High. Nothing cracks me up as much as Gandhi singing 'G Spot Rocks the G Spot.' And I like the Principal, too, with his robot butler.

I've been up since 8 a.m. Bored out of my mind. Mike will be in bed for three more hours... and I wish there were something for us to do when he gets up. It's beautiful today. But it's fucking cold.

I bet that girl is wearing sandals.

There is nothing on television. I should write. I promised myself I'd do that on spring break.

O. I quit my job.

astera at 10:31 a.m.

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