April 6, 2003

Swapping Lives

You know what? Daylight Savings Time is the most miserable and ignorant thing. Why do we still have it? Honestly, how many farmers are there in Ohio?

Personally, I think it's just an excuse for people to remember twice a year how to set their watches and VCRs and car stereos and ovens and microwaves and clocks. Most of which are far too complicated for their own good, hence why I leave mine on the wrong time for weeks before finally scrounging around for instructions.

For the Powerpuff Girls watch, it is still stubbornly 7:14.

Kels just hit the proverbial nail on the head. College is full of too much responsiblity and not enough privelege. Tell me about it.

D'you know what else? Way too many proper shopping centers close at 6 on Sundays. Personally, I see Sunday as a super-potential shopping day. I mean, a person is more likely to be off of work on a Sunday and go out there and consume like a proper consumer, only to discover that Wal-Mart is their only option.

We all know I love Wal-Mart, but still.

I need khaki pants to work at the park. And I do not want to buy the old lady pants proferred at Wal-Mart. I simply cannot bear it. I'm not an old lady yet, though I feel like it.

I'm a forty-year-old trapped in a twenty-year-old's body suffering the discipline of a thirteen-year-old.

Is it damn summer yet?

astera at 8:14 p.m.

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