June 25, 2003

Jacob I Have Unloved

For some strange reason I woke up to the sound of cathedral bells and knew that today was going to be worthwhile. As opposed to...

My alarm clock has a setting for cathedral bells. I find that highly amusing, and fortunate, seeing as I loathe waking to the sound of just about every other alarm clock I have encountered.

I think I am the most thorough shopper alive. I pick things up, put them back down, walk ten feet away, browse, come back to the thing I just put down, look at it again, weigh the pros and cons concerning its purchase, gauge its worth against its price, its price against the other objects I have already chosen, which shifts my attention to those objects, and whether or not I really want them.

And just because I take it to the register does not mean I have made up my mind. More often than not I will change my mind there, musing over the total price of my purchases, and decline to buy one or the other or all.

I'd like to think I'm thrifty. Hell, I spent 11.74 at Goodwill and got my damn money's worth. Fifteen books, four pairs of earrings, and two ceramic coffee mugs.

I bought Wayside School is Falling Down and The Boxcar Children: Surprise Island to cater to my inner child. I see books I read and loved as a kid and cannot resist, I see books I have yet to read and cannot resist, I see books I've read a hundred times and likely already own a copy of and cannot resist; thus filling my bookshelves to far beyond capacity.

I need a personal library.

I think, if Mike and I ever get married he can have his spartan, modern office, and I want my cozy, bohemian library.

Not that I think we'll ever get married. Sure, I think I would, in ten or twelve years. But here is an area of mystery with Michael... who knows what he wants in a wife, in a future, outside of making a bunch of money doing something with computers, and maybe being a dad.

I guess he might need a wife for that.

astera at 5:05 p.m.

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