November 23, 2003


"If I were a king I'd have more than one wife. I'd have twenty." Mike pauses, musing, as Eowyn casts another set of doe eyes at Aragorn. "Seven."

I'm grinning, and my mouth is opening before I can stop it:



"You know, Mike, I really don't think there is enough of you to around."

We're watching Kelsi's copy of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Special Extended DVD. An hour and a half ago we were fighting, me curled on the bathroom floor, him having failed to escape me by taking a shower. He's sitting in the bathtub. The curtain has been pushed away, hooks rattling, but another, made of iron or anger, remains between us. Cursing and sarcasm and carefully chosen words, the sound of my voice gone weak with tears, his with exhaustion.

We agreed that his working every single day is keeping us from spending real time together, quality time. I realized that this was the reason for my desperation, for his selfishness. We've both encountered behaviours that are unfair to eachother.

Odd thing. His selfishness, sometimes, is desperate, as is my desperation, selfish.

We didn't resolve, this time, not to talk about it. I hope that means it's resolved.

I still know that this is love.

astera at 8:49 p.m.

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