February 29, 2004

Dire Straits

I am drowning in a sea of debt. Today should be a holiday, a Leap Day, but instead I wake up in a panic, realizing my credit card payment is two days late, and likely to be more than the standard payment. I don't have money for anything.

I'm going to ransack my bookshelf today. There are plenty of decent copies of something that I can sell and maybe someday buy back. My truck is out of gas. I'm probably getting a fifty dollar paycheck this Friday with a $120 car payment due shortly thereafter.

This fucking job.

Dire straits.

I suppose I have some clothes I could sell, too. I hate worrying about money, above all things. I hate money, above all things. I never seem to have any. And, when I do, I spend it, because I never do. I should have filed my taxes ages ago, and then I might have a meager federal income tax check in the mail for me.


astera at 11:32 a.m.

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