March 21, 2004

Celebrate Celibate

Mike and Fred and I are driving down cross-county highway, each of us dancing, rather badly, in our seats to some beyond lame early nineties dance song. It's always fun when the three of us go out... I spend more time around Fred, Mike's brother, than I do around my own.

That makes me sad, and yet, at the same time, I feel as though I've tried to mend all of these still-smoking bridges leading between me and my family. There has to be someone working on the other side, a meeting in the middle.

I got the haircut. I'm in love with it, and haven't shed a tear. I donated the ten inches to Locks of Love, and I'm really happy about having done it. The woman who cut my hair told me I could wait another year and do it again... sure, it only took me 3 years to grow it out last time.

I might hang on to this length and these layers for awhile.

It feels as though it's 3 o'clock in the morning. It's not.

astera at 10:43 p.m.

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