March 8, 2001

Magnetism Today

There was an irrepressible magnetism in today. I woke up in brilliant spirits due to the fact that a breakfast of a delicious glazed donut was awaiting me, and I managed to sustain this well-being even through the torturous forty minutes of english class wherein I was assaulted by the horrors of Hamlet exposed. Don't get me wrong, I loved Hamlet, I just have so much animosity for the over-analyzation of poetry. It's an art, people! Leave the damn metaphors alone!

Enough of that. Second bell and third bell were dedicated solely to finishing Dune. Which, I might add, was absolutely wicked. Saturday is going to be Dune explosion day! But more on that later.

Mrs. Hennessey let me carry around the stuffed baby bunny all day. Sure, I got a plethora of weird looks but it was worth it. That damn bunny is so cute. I'm pet sitting it this evening. Can you believe I'm a senior in Highschool? I swear I'm a twelve-year-old trapped in an eighteen-year-old's body. But I get way more play than I did when I was twelve. Ha, ha, ha.

And then there was the excitement, er, lack of excitement in Drama. I got to prance around and have Hampton grab my ass. And Ryan, instead of retaliating like a good boyfriend, just grabs my ass, too. These stupid, stupid boys. What am I going to do with them? Especially that fuzzy-headed one I date?

Ryan took me to Media Play after drama to buy Dune. The evil Movie employee hated me...couldn't find the movie...gave me dirty looks...but that's allright because Ryan found the movie and the lady didn't pull a gun on me or anything. Hell, I would be miserable, too, if I worked there.

We went and picked up Ryan's check then, at the infamous 'Ron's Roost.' That's almost as funny as working at McDonald's. Almost, definetely not quite. He kissed me when we got into his car, and just sat there running his hands through my hair and across my cheeks, rubbing his thumb along my was so lovely. I mean, I know how we must look to everyone else (disgusting), but I honestly don't care. I've had to tolerate everyone else's fluffy shit my whole life, it's my turn, essentially.

But it's so odd to have him look at me like I were actually beautiful, to touch me instead of groping me. He doesn't even realize how much his adoration baffles me. I can't even look at him sometimes for the tenderness in his smile.

But I'm getting gooey. I'll stop before I make some novice reader vomit.

I bit my cheek today. It really hurts. But at least it was me biting it and not someone else...

astera at afternoon

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