May 3, 2001

Pre-Prom Babble

Yes, I am a dork. I am obscenely excited about prom. I have my beautiful Cinderella dress and my newly-dyed MAUVE gloves and my sparkly jewelry and my close-to-healthy boyfriend (poor baby is on anti-biotics). Last year, even stag and obviously less sophisticated and intelligent as I am now (ha), prom felt surreal. It's like a ball, really. Like a fucking Cinderella ball. It just astounds me that women used to dress so elegantly every day. I swear, if I could wear fluffy FLATTERING dresses once a week my inferiority complex would kick the can.

Allright, avid readers. You have two options here. A) You can listen to my ramble on for a few more paragraphs about prom (because that is all I care to elaborate on at this time), or 2) Stop reading RIGHT NOW.

Our prom is an anal-retentive dance coordinator's dream. Our school has this crazy complex about the rampant alcoholism at Taylor (and trust me, it's rampant), but they only focus on it during prom week. Our after-prom is mandatory, for instance. And people can bitch and moan all they want, I think it's cool. I mean, I'd just be going home anyway. We have to be at the school an hour before hand, we leave all of our bags OUTSIDE the school to have them tagged and taken inside (after-prom is held at our school), then we board the buses. That's right, buses. Apparently, they used to actually ride the cheeses, but last year they got grey hound rides for us. Then we drive to Coney Island and our prom is at their pretty little pavilion thingie, and after four hours of shakin' our groove thangs, we regress to the school and meander about for four more hours. Ryan thinks we're going to breakfast at six...fuck that. I gotta go to sleep before the sun fully rises or I won't sleep at all. Does this sound fun to you? 'Cause it is a blast! Maybe I'm not doing it justice. Go talk to one of the cheerleaders. They'll elaborate in a more prom-esque diction. I shouldn't insult them. I actually have a few friends who are cheerleaders. And they're darling. They just wear make-up and Abercrombie...which I am coming to terms with.

It's the chili peppers on VH-1!!! I gotta go!!

astera at 25 hours to go

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