May 27, 2001

Sunday Shmonday

I'll interrupt my viewing of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure to report my day. It's not like I don't own it.

Jenny and I went out to lunch and to see A Knight's Tale. It was soooooo good. Heath Ledger is a hottie. I would've seen it merely for his gorgeous Apollo-esque self, but the plot was wicked, too. Then we went to Wendy's and mused over our impending graduation. I'm not scared so much as sad, because things just won't be the same ever again. Even if I keep in touch with people, we'll never relate the way we do now. And I also know that I won't keep up with alot of people, it's just very sad. I'm excited about college, really I am, but there are three months between then and now. I still haven't gotten over now.

And the fact that Ryan will be states away for four straight months isn't helping the transition. Whereas before I was thinking that maybe I loved him, now I know that I do. I can't imagine my life without him. I'm afraid things will change between us as well. But I've explained it so many times to myself and to him: if we truly love eachother, things will work out between us. Somehow we will find away. There is no use in spoiling the precious time we have now worrying about later. Now is beautiful, now is all we truly have.

astera at 6:38 p.m.

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