June 6, 2001

Wowie Zowie

Do you know what I've noticed? The boys of N'Sync and the Backstreet Boys are getting kind of scruffy. I mean, now that Justin Timberlake has shaved his head, he looks like the shirtless, oily youths of Cleves who occasionally meander past the library. And trust me, that is not a good look.

Not to mention the effeminate Howie of the Backstreet Boys and misshapen head Kevin. To revert to N'Sync, neither Chris nor Joey were that cute to begin with. And now they're getting chubby and approaching their thirties. And yet they still implore themselves to twelve-year-old girls and society is okay with this...?

Don't ask how I know all of their names. Just don't.

I have worked two 8 hour days with my driving force being the fact that I get to spend a ludicrous amount of time at King's Island tomorrow with Ryan and Mal and Jody and various other drama geeks. Emotion has actually returned to my life. I am excited about something. Who'd have thought?

I never talked about graduation did I? Yeah, it happened. I was numb the whole time. I never shed a tear, not at Baccalaureate nor at the Commencement. I'm so over high school. My speech met astounded reviews,though, with even Mrs. Shultz, the jailer, my English teacher, telling me that I have a gift. Wow. So I'm glad I chose to be a writer. Most everyone wanted me to sing at the Baccalaureate, but I insisted on reading that passage. I am a writer. So there.

King's Island! King's Island!

astera at late

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