June 25, 2001


Suprised to wake up and find dishes in the strainer that I had not done. Not suprised to find my mother's wrath at full force due to yesterday's escapades.

Bill threw me a "surprise" graduation party yesterday and it lasted nearly all day. Though I called my parents (twice!) to tell them what was going on so they wouldn't worry about what was going on and could have some idea of when I would be coming home, they focused only on the fact that I was being rude for staying out so late (11:00!) and that I was "with" Ryan all day. He was there, yes, but I was not with him. It was a party. He's my boyfriend. Deal with the fact that I enjoy spending time with him.

He said I probably should have told them about our having sex on the lawn. I laughed.

And my mom had the gall to ask me if I went to the park with him this weekend. She says now she can't trust me, how is she supposed to believe me when I tell her no? For one, if you have no intention of believing me, don't ask. Two, you didn't trust me before so give up this whole complete faith in you bullshit. The only thing that would make them happy is if I were to break-up with Ryan. I compromise and I compromise, I make adult decisions and it means nothing. So fuck it. I give up.

I can't believe they've made me give up.

At any rate, I did have a blast yesterday. We swam in Bill's green pool and jumped on Jenny's trampoline and had walking tacos and strawberry cake. I love those guys so much. Nobody has ever done anything nice like that for me. You always imagine your friends will throw a party for you or something like they do on t.v., and then they never do. I've been adopted by my now-junior friends. They're superb. They're friends like on t.v.

Now if only I could get parents like on t.v. You know, the kind that realize they can be wrong, that finally break down and listen to their children, even if their children are wrong.

* * * * * *

Later, a brief update at work. Dunh-Dunh-Dunh, as we descend into the librarians lair...

Enough of that. Dad doesn't seem mad. He drove me to work and was very cordial and dad-like. Or maybe he was too preoccupied about being mad at Justin. I'm gonna go with the latter.

And it's not like it matters, 'cause Mom will bitch enough while I'm gone that he'll feel obligated to yell at me when I get home. Unless Mom realized the error of her ways.

Yeah, like that would ever happen.

I'm sappy and pathetic and thinking about Ryan. He should come in and get some movies or something. The other day (the monumental day when I became righteous fucking Queen of the world), he and I talked about this autumn and what we're gonna do. And it's cool, because he feels the same way I do. If we're meant to stay together, we will. I won't do anything to lose him, and he likewise. I said that I can't imagine caring about anyone else the way I care about him.

He said he was thinking the same thing.

astera at ladeedah

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