July 2, 2001

Fucking Estrogen

I hate being a girl. I hate it because today I am feeling bitchy and sour, because it is my seven month anniversary and I am alone, because the four hours I spent at work were unproductive and maddening... well, the rest of that is just really the effects of my bitchy and sour mood, and it is that bitchy and sour mood that takes the prize for my hating my girlhood.

I hate hormones, too. Those sleazy, back-stabbing bastards. Oh, they act like they're your friend, bribing you with the promise of breasts and eventual motherhood. Then when they get you in their vile clutches they take complete advantage of you, giving you a monthly mess and a bad temper to boot. Fucking estrogen. There is no good being a girl when you are ready to explode with sexual and emotional tension. Unless there is someone around to, er, relieve it. Also one can cope if you have something cute to wear. Then it's okay. But I have neither, so my attitude is justified.

God, I sound like a valley girl. As though the only things important in my life are boys and clothes.

What can I say? I enjoy kisses and am not an advocate for nudity.

Unless, of course, it's naked time.

O, I am shallow and obnoxious. See how awful I get when I am about to rag?

I hate being a girl!

astera at evening

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