July 11, 2001

Wherein I Swear Alot

I've been writing at noon everyday. We are now entering The Twilight Zone...

Doo-doo-doo-doot, Doo-doo-doo-doot...

That's enough of that.

Yesterday was fucking miserable. I was especially unnerved at work when the weird-ass Deputy Sheriff kept staring at me. And when I went to lock up the bathrooms he followed me. And that's scary, because the bathrooms are technically in the senior center, behind a closed door. And I'm in that little hall and this guy is fucking following me.

Me: "I'm just locking up the bathrooms."

Crazy-fucking-prevert-stalker-deputy: "I know."

He continues coming towards me.

Me: (slightly nasty) "I don't need your help."

He says nothing, walks past me and looks at me.

Needless to say, I fucking left his ass in the hall. I went back into the library and nearly burst into tears. I fucking hate creepy people like that. And then when we were waiting to leave Norma and Laura went in the back and he continued to blatantly stare at me and then he started to move over to where I was. I was so close to telling him off. I will tell Linda today that I don't want to work with fucking creepy Dale ever again unless he wants to be slapped in his stupid goggle-eyed face.

Why do guys think they can just stare at you? Just 'cause he's a fucking cop? Bullshit.

Can you tell from my rampant swearing that I'm still a little unnerved? I'm not the most inconspicuous of persons when it comes to my emotions.

Jerry Springer is the proprietor of stupidity. His show is basically a modern freak show, like the circus one hundred years ago when they still had the bearded lady and Dog Boy. Only now it's 400 pound Jim who wants to be treated like a baby, cruising around in diapers and communicating in grunts. My mom adores this show. I get a contact high. Or should I say nausea?

astera at same time

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