July 12, 2001

Boring T.V.

I always think of really quirky, witty things to write about in my diary when I do not have the opportunity to write in my diary. Then when I get a chance, I have forgotten what it was I was going to write. So will you just trust me when I say that I really do have thoughts loftier than "I'm bored" and "There isn't anything on t.v."?

You better.

I adore Fiona Apple. She is a lyrical goddess. She manages to actually put into words my exact thoughts (are they her thoughts, too? are all women plagued by the same things?). There is one line in 'First Taste' that is the anthem of my life: 'Full is not heavy as empty, my love, not nearly, my love, not nearly.' Isn't that beautiful? Such a delicious play on words. Oh, my weary libran soul...

Damn't I know I have worthwhile things to say. Work, bastard futile brain!

Kelsi had a nugget of tortured soul wisdom. I'll share it with you precious few: "I don't have a problem with the world. It has a problem with me."

Doesn't she rock? Go and tell her so.

Fuck it. I am boring and there is nothing on t.v.

astera at almost 4:20

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