July 15, 2001

Evil Squirrel Killers

"Days like these are far too rare to cheapen with heavy handed words."

Just thought I'd share the wit of Geoffrey Chaucer with you. I saw A Knight's Tale for the second time last night, and loved it just as much. Maybe even more. Heath Ledger is one of the two men who, if I were to meet them at some point in my life, I would have to sleep with. Zack de la Rocha is the other, but only Zack five years ago. He's getting kinda grisly. Hot, but mildly grisly.

Kinda like Faulkner.

Do you know what I noticed the other day that I find extremely unnerving? Rocky and Bullwinkle. You'd think just saying that alone would be enough to give me the creeps, but no. There's more than just a flying squirrel and a moronic talking moose. Natasha and Boris are freaking communists, employed by their fearless leader. Listen to them talk, for the love of all that is good. That cartoon was the 60's Red Scare brainchild. By giving the bad guys obvious nationality (see heavy accents and ethnic names), they prejudice young children against Russians. They hear thick accents, they think Boris and Natasha, they think evil squirrel killers.

It is a sick, sick world we live in.

I cannot wait to go to Boston. I leave Tuesday morning. I don't know which feeling will be most prominent while I am gone: relief and abounding joy at a week away from the sinister clutches of my parents, or sadness at not being able to see Ryan.

I don't know, but somehow I think I'll manage without Ryan for a week if it means I don't have to hear my mother bitch. Oh, glorious vacation...

* * * * * * * * * * *

Later today I realized I am a superhero. I saved a poor, defenseless mole from the ignorant clutches of my pet dog. She had dug it out of the ground (she's just bizarre like that), and my family was all set to just let her eat it. Or whatever it is that she does with them.

But I saved it. I picked it up in a rag and carried it across the street so it could build a new, unthreatened home as opposed to it's rather precarious and unwanted dwelling in my uncle's yard.

So my cousin Korey asked me if I thought I was a super hero or something.

I said I was a super hero in disguise.

I've been thinking that maybe while I am in Boston and unable to reach a computer I will write with a real pen all the journal entries I would have typed in here, and then when I come home I'll key them and you will all be able to share my vacation with me!

I hear the mockery in your laughter. You're thinking the same thing I am: "Jill, you know you'll write, like, one journal entry remotely related to Boston and the rest will be about how much you miss Ryan and how much fun it will be if he were there. And then when you get home you'll contemplate typing them in, then decide it would take too much time and who knows what you'd be missing on t.v. Not to mention catching up on lying around on your bed and staring at the ceiling."

Any takers on a bet?

astera at noon again

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