July 28, 2001


Let's talk about things that bug me today. Stupid things that should have no place in the rational world.

Like animals in clothes. And cement geese with wardrobes to match the seasons. And those Fruitopia commercials where the fruit are making out. And Oompa-Loompas.

Those creepy little orange bastards scare me. My brother and Ryan and I were watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (don't ask why, I can't remember and probably don't want to), and they were making fun of me because I don't like the Oompa-Loompas. They possess not the usual midget charm. I don't know what it is about them. They just really freak me out, always singing their moral ridden little songs, their faces revealing no emotion, their hair being all... green. Who is with me?

Tomorrow promises to be miserable as I will be trapped at work for eight hours. I was not meant to work. I like to read and lay around in my pajamas until one. If only that were a job.

Wait, it is. I'm gonna be a writer.

astera at not a.m.

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