July 30, 2001

Damn Dirty Apes

I went and saw Planet of the Apes last night, and it was wicked. I was pissed at the end though, because not only was it disheartening but also incongruent. If they are going to try and have an explosive twist at the end they need to at least have it make sense in conjunction with the rest of the film. But I love Mark Wahlberg ever since The Perfect Storm, so I will forgive him for kissing a monkey. But I won't say anymore about it for those of you that haven't seen it yet, I'll just say that it's way funnier if you've seen all the other ones first. I cannot count the number of times I have lounged on the couch, emersed in Charlton Heston and the "damn dirty apes." Nova is a ho. A mute ho, at that.

I'm back. I was pillaging the internet trying to figure out just how many previous ape movies there had been. There were five. And I suspected it, because I know I'd seen three whole ones, and parts of two others. I thought maybe I might have been hallucinating and the two others were just parts of the first three, but I should trust my sober soul. There was the bald psychic people one (Beneath the Planet of the Apes), the one where Cornelius and Zira come to early seventies Earth (Escape from the Planet of the Apes), the one where all the apes fight eachother (Battle for the Planet of the Apes), and then the other one of which I remember literally nothing of a coherent nature (Conquest of the Planet of the Apes). There was also an animated series.

Aren't you smarter now? Actually, I think I've lost a few brain cells tracking down this information; even more than the usual damage just watching one of the films can inflict.

I go to Orientation on Thursday. I'm kinda excited, but am afraid that my anti-social tendencies will make it virtually impossible for me to make any friends. I'll have to eat lunch alone! Oh, no!

That was, like, my most shallow of nightmares throughout high school. The first day of school was always miserable, me worried out of my mind that none of my friends would be eating my lunch, that I'd end up in a lunch of jocks or something. It was even worse this year, 'cause I was expected to sit at the senior table. But I lucked out. I got to sit with three retarded boys in choir, one of which I turned out to be madly in love with. It's weird, thinking back to a time when we were just friends. Like when I went to football games stalking the nameless crush (he was an elusive bastard) and Ryan would try to pick me up and throw me in garbage cans, or when I would try in vain to mess up his hair and he would chase after me in a mock rage when I managed it. It's crazy how much we flirted when it meant nothing to us. We were just friends.

And now we're best friends.

astera at arghh

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