August 8, 2001

Nervy Nerves

Welcome to Jill's fantastical world of consistent shit. She would give you a guided tour, but she is currently having seizures on her bedroom floor. So please, help yourself. She won't mind. Hell, it'll probably be a few weeks before she becomes conscious enough to notice.

I'm beginning to loathe my life. I'm a few days LATE (you all know what I mean) because of my nerves, and my nerves are nervy because I'm late. It's a vicious circle. I keep wondering if it's possible to get pregnant through one's clothes.

I wonder how upset the Virgin Mary was when she found out she was "with child" and had never gotten down.

Excuse me, the Virgin doesn't "get down." We don't even know if she "makes love."

Allright, I just offended half of America.

But seriously, kids, I need sedatives.

If anyone has words of comfort, I so need them. I am literally about to collapse in epileptic fits. This has been the most harried and maddening ten days of my life.

astera at apocalyptic

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