August 19, 2001


As I am the national contender for museless-ness, let's have some poetry instead of my usual witty banter.

Not that one can expect witty anything from me on a regular basis.


i remember my youth in your arms
my thousand years of worry peeling like a sunburn
was it only moments ago that your mouth shared with mine the brine of desperation
that salt turning to sugar on our lips
we are aided by our dreams to walk now
geriatric hopes
our bones rubbing, callus-creating
sinew grown slack like old rubberbands
there are mere minutes between this wretched self and a headstrong 18 years
but we are two different women:
one, a shattered mirror,
and another, picking up the pieces

Hell, let's go all out, shall we?

red Daytona

we've wasted time
i should've shared more nights
what i would give to have but one more reflection above me:
your body
your head rising softly with each one of my breaths
(nestled there between my breasts)
the stars echoed in my eyes
(yours are closed)
and eternity finding a home between the doors of a red Daytona
our stolen half-hours
that seperate universe of upholstery and skin
time stops
and she wraps her arms around us
but we never feel her
we notice only eachother

astera at midnight-ish

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