August 26, 2001

Abbreviated Madness

Okay, sooooo not my fault that I haven't written. I've been, like, mad-psycho social woman since Thursday. My butterfly wings are not used to being used so rigorously.

I am exhausted.

Had I had a chance to write a couple of days ago I could have done all of my engagements justice. However, you will unfortunately recieve the abbreviated version as it has been a couple of days.

Thursday I created a sport at Hampton's party. It's called Hinder-Lindle-in-his-efforts-to-make-a-Mountain-Dew-Can-Tower. And I won.

Then I was pinned to the ground and tickled to death by the Prince of Darkness himself, my boyfriend.

Mallory and I ventured to the North Brook Village Discount Friday morning. Mallory's road rage only made the trip that much more memorable:

"Corolla Fucker!"

"Truck Fucker!"

"Ford Fucker!"

"BMW Fucker!"

I skated into work right on time with a bag of thrift booty to show for my morning away.

That night after my going-away-to-college dinner with the ladies from the library, Mal and I went to the Zen & Now coffee shop. It's so bohemian and cool. But Anal-Retentive Mal (I love her but it's true) couldn't be at the coffee shop when it was that light outside so we called our prospective others and we all went to General Custer's to play miniature golf. And the four of us succeeded in holding up about three other groups of golfers with our antics. My curses over my misfortune in the game were also way too loud for public.

So we played scrabble at the Zen & Now and I had coffee that tasted like ashes. Ryan insisted on spelling only three letter words. His repertoire included Boy, Age, Zen, and Tit. We refused to allow him to spell Poo.

I was proud of Inert, myself. That was my only good word as I had every single letter 'I' the game had to offer.

Yesterday was 8 hours of library madness and then Ryan and I watched Tombstone and The Mod Squad at his house.

I have the barest of recollections as to the plot of either. Maybe I was just sleepy....

Well, kids, I'm leaving in a week. I have to make the most of my time, right?

Ha ha ha.

It was nice though because we're both pathetic and pretty much fell asleep at about eleven. And his heart beat is a magnificent rhythm to sleep to.

astera at 4:59 p.m.

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