August 30, 2001

Adventures of Ryan and Jill

I have a sick sense of humor. I was shopping with my mom today and picking up all the rest of the shit I need to take to college. So I, of course, had to buy the inevitable 'feminine products.'

And bulk tampons are the funniest damn thing on Earth. I just can't help but giggle in line as I'm purchasing a box of a bazillion (or so). And what keeps going through my mind when there is no one else around who is perverse enough to listen?

"If you have a big hole to plug..."

God, I am so gross.

Ryan took me to the art museum and the conservatory today. It was great. He, of course, was barely interested but suffered through it for me. He was convinced all the weird African instruments were really bongs, and there were times where I had to agree with him.

And he was obsessed with the 'sensitive plant' at the conservatory. It's this weird fern that if you touch the little leafies they close themselves up. So he had to touch every single leaf.

Because he's a retard.

And I'm all not paranoid and sad today. I should be, since today might have been our last day together. I'm going to try to connive myself to the football game tomorrow, which he will be attending. So tomorrow might be it... but it doesn't seem like it.

Am I actually behaving rationally? Nah...

astera at home

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