September 18, 2001

Ramblings of a Jeans and Thrift Store Shirt Clad Jill

May I just say how much I love That 70's Show? Observe:

Scene: Kelso naked, hunched on Eric's couch in the basement. Jackie holding his clothes. Fez playing with a yo-yo. And Hyde conducting a sort of divorce/dividing of the property for the feuding lovers (Jackie and Kelso for those of you misfortunate non-watchers).

Kelso: I'm cold.

Fez: Then that is why your nipples are so pointy.

Kelso: (hits Fez)

Fez: O, Pointy Nipple Man is mad! I hope he does not poke me with his pointy nipples!

T.V. is totally making it possible for me to forget the fact that I am all alone and unemployed and unenrolled and probably not going to have any social life (let alone get any play:) for the next four months.

Ah, the wonders of television, ye box of oblivious glory.

I am also totally psyched about my book. Yes, I am writing a book. I have vowed to finish it before I go back to college in January, and I am going to try like hell to get it published. I have such high insane hopes for my baby manuscript. It's only about ten pages long at present but it has a plot, dammit!

Ok, I'll stop. I'll go back to the t.v. and leave you poor, defenseless diarylanders alone.

But I'll be back. Oh, yes, I'll be back.

astera at 11:18 p.m.

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