September 19, 2001

Emma's Nuts

Just finished blubbering all over myself as a result of watching Sense and Sensibility. Emma Thompson is darling. I loved her in Much Ado about Nothing as well, and cried my eyes out over Beatrice and Benedict as easily as I just did over Miss Eleanor Dashwood and Edward.

I love movies.

Even though they just make it worse for me to be content with my own life.

I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't nod off until about two. I think perhaps I should engage in some physical activity today so I sleep better tonight.

But there is really only one physical act which I enjoy and it is rather difficult considering current circumstances.

You're all thinking sex, aren't you? Shame on you.

Today's exertions will probably include picking up all of the walnuts out of the yard and throwing them into an untraversed corner of the lawn.

Now that's what I call a good time.

astera at oh hell

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