October 24, 2001

Toto's in my Basket

The Epic Novel is Complete!

Yep. Hauling in at 97 pages, small font, full page, the two month creative writing extravaganza has come to a close. I have decided to call it Marian, as what was aptly saved as in my computer and turned out to be the most appropriate and ironic title. I was so thrilled to pieces when I finished it last night that I couldn't go to sleep. And considering the fact that it was about one, and I had to get up at eight, that was not so good.

But am full-fledged writer now, currently in editing process. I began doing so at work today over my bowl of chicken and wild rice soup.

Speaking of work and sleep and, why the hell not, chicken and wild rice soup; I have decided that my body is way too demanding. It's always like, ooo, sit us down, our feet are all achy; or, shit, it's quarter after eleven at night and we're tired, put us to bed. Frankly, it's starting to piss me off. I have important things to do. Like updating my diary. I don't have time for personal health and well being.

My eleven hour work day was grand and all that jazz. I wore the saucy pirate costume, and let me tell you, I was saucy as hell. Ben and I had an argument that lasted all evening over who was who's wench. We were both wearing pirate costumes, and he simply assumed that because I was the female pirate I was somehow his wench. Not so. Whereas Ben was armed with nothing but his sharp wit, I had a costume plastic sword.

And I am so obviously better looking. And more vicious.

I tried to work out a deal that allowed us to be co-pirates, but he wasn't having any of it. Which showed his lack of diplomacy and therefore makes me the superior pirate.

Then again, pirates really weren't known for fairness...

Hell, I am revolutionizing the grisly buccaneer! I am neither grisly nor a buccaneer!

But I do swashbuckle.

Speaking of swashbuckling, the people that purchase things at Cappel's can be real assholes. Not assholes as in nasty but just as in picky as all hell. These women were in today to buy stuff for their Wizard of Oz costumes. And it was simply beyond them to pick a wig for Dorothy. See, we don't have a braided brown wig, so we often recommend our long brown wig and say that you can braid it yourself. But these women said it was too long.

And bought a shorter black wig. Okay, where is the logic in this? You can cut the fucking wig to the right length, but nothing is going to make Dorothy have black hair. Nothing.

They also had a problem with our Toto in a basket. Now Toto is my bitch. And we don't mess with him. They complained that the actual Toto was not the exact same shade as the plush dog in a basket that we sell. Nevermind the fact that he is the official Wizard of Oz patented Toto in a basket. O, no. He was not good enough for black haired Dorothy.

Fuck me I'm tired.

Bastard body.

astera at miracle

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