October 21, 2001

Mini Gherkins

Wonderful weekend filled with rampant Bridget Jones's Diary DVD watching and good quality Kelsi time.

Let me just say that the DVD player is a magnificent gift from God. We watched The Princess Bride and the zoom button came in handy during the non-close-ups of Wesley. They could be made close-ups.

Wicked, wicked, laughter.

We have also discovered that we are two old hags, as two movies which seem so painfully recent to us came out in 1991 and 1993. Robin Hood: Prince of Theives and The Three Musketeers. And both have theme songs by Bryan Adams.


Would anyone care for a mini gherkin? Beetroot cube? Stuffed olive?

Speaking of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, I remember my friend Sarah and I being madly in love with Kevin Costner in fifth grade. We loved both that movie and Dances with Wolves.

Speaking of madly in love, I got another letter from Ryan yesterday. Wept all over it, as usual, but am beginning to feel much better about everything. He and I can talk about everything, even the somtime severity of our relationship. And that is really a comfort to me while he is gone.

And I really think that his being gone is good for the both of us. I am realizing so much about myself, and I think he is also about himself. And it has only made us love eachother all the more. In his letters he tells me exactly how he feels about me, and often so flowery I cannot keep the tears from my eyes. He would never have done that a few months ago. He wouldn't have known how, I think.

And can I also say I have never been more thrilled to be on the rag in all my life?

astera at evening shmevening

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