October 30, 2001

Shirtless Boys

Brandon Boyd is sneaking about Cincinnati yet again. Only now, he has been spotted at Cappel's. By me.

For those of you who are not familiar with the name, Brandon Boyd is the lead singer of Incubus. And one of the two most gorgeous males in all the world (Heath Ledger is the obvious other). Watch the Stellar or Wish you were Here videos. Trust me. You'll more than agree.

At any rate, he was there. And he is likely the most attractive man I have ever seen close up. I had to help him buy fangs. And could barely open the case my hands were shaking so much, and I managed to laugh nervously when Brandon Boyd-esque boy made a joke. And then when he went away I went squealing to Laura who could really not appreciate the true beauty of this male.

Alas, I suppose my tastes are too refined.

Then why the hell am I dating Ryan?

Just kidding. He's cute. Trust me.

And tomorrow is my favorite holiday, Halloween. I wish he were here, so I could be one of the cute/vomit-inducing couples picking out pair costumes to wear to a party. To think we could have been Popeye and Olive Oil, a teeny bopper and Elvis; hell, a pimp and a prostitute.

I have truly been robbed.

So instead I am wearing some costume (have yet to decide) to my cousin's house to pass out candy as kids never come to my rural ass house. I suppose that will get me in the spirit. I'll feel all halloweeny, at least. Even if I'm by myself.

Meanwhile, Ryan will be running about in the woods, filthy, with a gun. Good times.

I loathe the military.

astera at 9:04 p.m.

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