November 4, 2001

Resin Kitties

Had an eventful three day weekend. Complete with calling in 'sick' to work.

Am feeling better due to the shut down of my emotions. They do that, when I can't cry or whine anymore. I'm sapped dry, at present.

My dog is obsessive compulsive. Yep. Everytime she sees my carpet she has to pee on it. She goes in my room and freaks out. It would be so much easier if she had to brush her teeth six times or count the tiles n the kitchen floor but no. She has to have induced bladder movements.

Alas, to be a puppy.

When I grow up, I want to work on the home shopping network. I have a good speaking voice. And hell, all you really need to know are your colors. And how to act really excited about plush cats and resin baby christmas tree ornaments.

In red and green.

astera at in the p.m.

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