January 10, 2002

Wherien I am Exceedingly Boring as Per Usual

I am not a shiftless loser. I do not need a job immediately.

I am a writer. I am writing.

Even though I'm not making any money.


Today was equally as fruitless as Tuesday as far as perusing the hiring community goes. I mailed my application to the library. And while I went to both Best Buy and to a day care center in Sayler Park, I submitted an application to neither. I'm just feeling so picky. I don't want to work just anywhere. This is a job I will potentially have until school starts in August. I don't want to be miserable in both work and love for eight months. A bit excessive in the sorrow department if you ask me.

But on a brighter note (I think), I am headed out to Red Lobster tomorrow. Maybe I can just take care of the lobsters in the little tank. It sounds like high quality employment to me.

Talked to Ryan tonight, had delightful conversation about Legos. We were both, apparently, fans as children.

Wouldn't it just be beyond lovely if I could go and visit him at Easter? He'd be able to come and stay in my hotel room with me, and we could have crazy animal sex!

But seriously. There would quite obviously be no sex but rampant sleeping together. Naps in the afternoon, a night spent with his chest as a pillow and waking up early and talking without getting out of bed. I could wear cute pajamas. And attack him with my hair as it becomes a creature in its own right after a night of tossing and turning.

And we could have a brief but delightful domestic circle. God, one day I definitely want to get married.

Maybe even to him.

He told me on the phone that he needs to go to the mall this weekend to buy a shotglass, despite the fact that he does not drink. He bought me one, actually, before I went to school that said "Jill's Bar" so I could become an alcoholic when I arrived there.

I didn't even stay long enough to have one beer.

It sits on my quirky Love Shack-esque table, with the chain to a necklace he bought me and a petal from one of the roses he bought me on our six month anniversary inside of it.

Damn better than any liquor.

astera at sheep festival

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