January 11, 2002

Early Morning Maniac

See. Clearly fucking the next day. It's not that I don't have a life.

You know it is bad when things like this are making me cry. Especially this..

I so know I'm not the only one who goes back and rereads their entries.

And if I am, well then so be it. I am my own biggest fan. And it was the best entertainment I could come up with due to the fact that my boredom companion abandoned me. But I forgive him, the temptation of the idiot box is sometimes too great for even I.

And I realize that television is pretty much always more interesting than me. Especially when I'm moody.

Me, moody? No!

I've been trying to sing in Elvish along with Enya on my Lord of the Rings soundtrack. It only works when I have the accompaniment.

I swear I think I am more scared of the dark now than when I was a little kid. Considering it never bothered me as a child. But I get totally freaked out when I walk down the hall at night to the bathroom, and when I'm brushing my teeth I expect to lean up from the sink and see somebody behind me in the mirror, like one of those bad horror movies.

Speaking of bad horror movies, fuck entertainment magazine. They gave Jeepers Creepers, quite possibly the dumbest movie I have ever seen (so dumb that I was, er, playing checkers during parts of it and still understood the entire plot), a B and then gave The Fast and the Furious a C-. Fuck them. Vin will drive all over their ugly superior critic faces.

Funny how much I like those cars seeing as a) I know very little about the automobile, and 2) neither know how nor wish to know how to drive.

I want to live in a city where I can take a bus.

Or ride around with Ryan forever.

I love watching him downshift, I love the way he turns the wheel with one hand, using the base of his palm against the wheel, I love the way he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, I love the fact that we both shout at the other drivers and sometimes even the same thing.

astera at 12:08 a.m.

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