May 24, 2001

Mush Galore

My boyfriend is hysterical. There are times when I know exactly why I love him.

He has been carrying his pillow around with him all week to class, sleeping. This is justified, of course, seeing as we aren't really doing any work; but whereas everyone else only talks about bringing their pillow to school, Ryan actually does it.

So I hid it from him in choir, and it took him about fifteen minutes to realize it was gone. He didn't suspect me at first. He tormented Brittany until she relented and said I knew where it was, and then he chased me around the room until he pinned me on the floor and proceeded to tickle me in hopes of making me pee and/or tell him where the pillow was. Whichever came first. Let's just say I didn't pee but Ryan did get his pillow back.

Ryan uses the word "chief" profusely in reference to random individuals. He wears a pair of shorts underneath his jeans in addition to his boxers, "out of habit." He is failing Ancient and Medieval History, but he read the entire text book second quarter during study hall. For fun. He bitches at his sister Rebecca constantly but I've seen him carry his sister Bethany to her bed when she has fallen asleep on the couch. He took two years of french class and the only word he can remember is "beaver." He has a car with T-tops, but the windows don't roll down. He doesn't understand why Mallory and I make fun of Twisted Sister and White Snake. He doesn't bite...hard.

He tells me I'm beautiful almost everyday. He tells me he loves me without my having to say it first.

astera at afternoonie

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