May 22, 2001

Many Thanks

There is hope yet in the world. Wanna hear the story of Jill's renewed faith?

Yesterday my parents recieved a letter from the federal loan people and it "regretted to inform" us that due to bad credit, my parents were not eligible for the loan that was going to cover three-fourths of my schooling. Which would leave me about seven thousand dollars desperate,, unable even to attend college.

So I was pissed, upset, too disillusioned to cry. The American Dream for me was shattered. Hell, had it ever existed?

I go to school today to relay the bad news both to Mr. Goodridge, the moderately inept school counselor, and Mrs. Hennessey, my savior; praying for avenues of relief. And Mrs. Hennessey came to my aide, looking up alternative loan information and the number for the Ohio University Office of Financial Aide. She gives me her cell phone sixth bell and lets me call my financial aide representative and "dicuss." And, glory and seven halleluiahs, there are alternative loans that will be signed in my name, leaving me responsible for only 1,738 dolares and the cost of books. My nervous breakdown has stopped itself prematurely.

I gave Mrs. Hennessey two hugs. She is the most caring person I've ever met, the first person outside of family ever to do something for me without concern for themselves, unselfishly and completely. So though the American Dream of scholarship and hard work is dead, my faith in the human spirit has come back full force. There are good people in the world. So Mrs. Hennessey, I am renewed with much and many thanks.

astera at afternoonie

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