January 17, 2002

Digestive Royale

"Avoiding the spots... where we'd have to speak..."

My stomach is delighted with me today. You'll probably hear the same thing from Kelsi. At about eleven-thirty it reveled in strawberry frozen yogurt. Then later, after a trek about the harrowing streets of Clifton, drank the entire contents of a chocolate raspberry coffee. Now it was thinking, shit, I could get used to this, and was all settled and thinking about a Taco Bell dinner, which would have been more than fine after the delicious coffee, but no. It was not to be.

Maybe I should mention I was spending the day in Kelsi's company at the University of Cincinnati. There. I just mentioned it.

So her mom calls whilst we are trying to make our large family of Sims eat/pee/bath/clean/socialize/in general, not die; and asks us if we would like to come out to dinner with her since she is in the neighborhood.

So we went to the Mayura Indian restaurant, conveyed there in the squashy Kiwi colored Beetle. Once there I perused hesitantly the menu, changing my mind about eighty-seven (perhaps eighty-six) times before finally settling on the Chicken Curry. I've never before had Indian, so you can see my reluctance.

Let's just say it was more than delicious, and my stomach has been dancing a jig since the event.

Coffee and tasty curry. I haven't eaten this good since the womb.

I don't really remember the womb.

And I couldn't really taste anything seeing as it was all a tubular sort of thing.

But that is clearly not the point.

Maybe if I stopped listening to Dashboard I would not miss Ryan so much. Maybe if I stopped worrying about him I'd be able to stop dragging him into awkward conversations he really doesn't want to have.

Let's play the list making game with Jill.

Jill's Somewhat, actually, Extremely Belated New Year's Not Necessarily Resolutions More Like Comforting Lies

Eat more Indian food

Eat less food in general

Strive more to look like Gwen Stefani as opposed to Jabba the Hutt

Trust Ryan

Trust Yourself

Trust at least one of you, you psycho paranoid bitch

Spend less time on the internet

Spend more time working on the Not So Epic Novel

Write more poetry

Do not complain about your job

As much

When you get one

Ten bucks against anyone who says I will do, even in its most impartial form, any of these.

astera at 11:14 p.m.

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