January 23, 2002

Joyous Ramblings

My house is a veritable lady bug festival. Especially the bathroom. And it's annoying, mainly, because of the pity I feel for these creatures. I cannot take a shower without a whole group of them opting for ritual suicide and dive bombing the bottom of the tub. And of course I can't just let them die, so I rescue them with the handle of my lady bic and place them safely outside of the shower.

I'm nuts. I know.

That's about the only thing I use that lady bic for, though. Since Ryan is gone and winter is upon these less-than-fair Ohio valleys, I am neanderthal chic. Without, of course, the brow ridge. Give me a little credit.

Prodigal Boyfriend called today for the first time since Sunday. Oddly, I did not really care. Everything is lovely in Jill Land. I am determined to be more grateful for everything considering all that has happened lately, or, rather, not happened.

I'm grateful for unemployment. I'm grateful for adorable boyfriends eleven-hundred miles away. I'm grateful for Ohio University fucking me over. I'm grateful for the third rejection letter for the epic novel. I'm grateful my weeping-empty bank account.

I really am. Without all of these totally shitty things I wouldn't have anything to talk about, I wouldn't be.

I wouldn't be able to think about getting a job. I wouldn't be able to think about May and his arms again. I wouldn't be able to attend gorgeous Miami in the fall. I wouldn't be able to send my story out again. I wouldn't be able to... well, actually, the bank account just kind of sucks.

I'm smiling.

astera at 10:08 p.m.

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