February 26, 2002

Muddy Employment

I totally would have updated yesterday had I not spent obscene amounts of time working on the new cast page. And I would've updated earlier today had I not spent more time working on it. Let's just say Jill's html knowledge is limited and doing the same code twelve or so times causes me to make stupid mistakes. A bunch of stupid mistakes.

But anyway it is up. You should visit it. Really.

I'll stop. I promise.

So guess who is totally and absolutely employed? Me! I interviewed at Argosy Casino this morning and I am now to hostess the buffet in the overnight shift.

Two very enthusiastic hoorahs.

Shove it up your ass, Red Lobster. Argosy at least gave me a chance to lie about my opinion of teamwork.

Seriously, it is far too difficult to get a job. You can't just be skilled anymore. You also have to be nice. This scares me. I see a considerable amount of unemployed people in the future.

Namely, me. When I get old and grouchy and my winning smile becomes lined with bitterness.

But until that day, I shall hostess away!

Bejesus, now I am rhyming.

It snowed like mad all day, and outside everything looks sugar coated. It is days like this that I keep my curses for the Ohio river valley safely at the back of my throat. But with each snow comes a thaw, which means my now frozen yard will become the churning wasteland of mud. And not just your average mud. The Mud from Hell. I swear, the shit is concious. It reaches sticky fingers and drags you down, down, into gooey oblivion...

I think it's clearly quite obvious that I got up at seven-thirty this morning.

The walls are currently melting.

astera at 9:17 p.m.

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