March 7, 2002

Work and Flirting

I spent all night trying to figure out inconspicuous ways of pushing my bra straps back up onto my shoulders.

Let's just say I was stretching my arms above my head a considerable amount.

But I fucking love my job. It was great tonight, running around in my brand spanking new girlie-as-opposed-to-matron pants, smiling and dancing to the fifties music that was playing. My voice becomes the high pitched timbre of a seven year old, and my usual bitchiness melts away into the chipper demeanor of Argosy Hostess Jill.

She is so way cooler than me.

Cool enough that a cute line server said hello and watched her walk by every time she did so. And said goodbye.

How I love boys.

I had almost forgotten.

I work all night tomorrow, from nine at night until seven in the morning. That should be an experience. Apparently I will encounter many drunks. But I am somewhat of a night owl, so hopefully I won't fall asleep at the station.

I wonder if cute line server boy will work tomorrow?

I'm pathetic. Really and truly.

But I'm fun. At least when I'm at work.

astera at 10:22 p.m.

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