March 9, 2002

All you Need is Love, er, Caffeine

"Excuse me, miss? Excuse me?"

"Yes, sir, can I help you?"

"Yes, my friend and I were wondering if you would like to screw later."

Jill manages to keep jaw from dropping, speaking in a strangely even tone.

"That was very rude."

Jill goes and gets supervisor, who subsequently calls security who orders the two young men, one of which apologized profusely for his friend, to go back to their room and not to come out of it.

And that's just the beginning of last night's ten hour overnight shift. I saw people in velvet jumpsuits and gold lame, innumerable asian people in parties of seven, one of which had a mullet; drunk people who commented delightedly on the fact that the napkins matched my shirt. Some demanded a mountain view. I told them if they had a little bit more to drink they might just see one.

Needless to say, at about three in the morning I felt like I had been run over by a truck. My lower back hurt from standing and my tongue from asking the same question over and over. Occasionally I would ask the same party twice, but hey, it was the middle of the night. Sane people would be in bed. Apparently all anyone in the greater tri-state region does, however, is eat and gamble.

Cute line server turned out to be less cute up close, but he has great eyes. The palest blue with flecks of gold. His name is Will. Aunt Judy says he is a weirdo.

So am I. I'm not going to hold that against him until I can discern for myself.

And there is also a rather nice looking bus boy, nice looking in an All-American-Abercrombie-and-Fitch sort of way. His name is Owen, and my aunt is determined to fix me up with him. He speaks five languages. And he asked me what I was reading. I'm not going to fool myself and think that he is interested in me, and will believe instead, for the time being, that he is merely humoring my aunt.

So I came home at about quarter to seven this morning and only slept until twelve-thirty. I'm going to try and take another nap before I go in again tonight, but like as not I'll be even more wiped tonight than I was last night. Hopefully I just get giggly and slap happy as opposed to drooling all over myself, as I was quite close to doing so last night.

I just came home and drooled on my pillow as the sun rose outside.

astera at 2:46 p.m.

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