March 12, 2002

Pajama Whamma

It amazes me how incredibly dorky Kelsi and I are. The last time I visited we ended up watching home videos of Lady Lovelylocks and Jem. This time we cleaned her room and listened to old Hanson albums.

We used to have fun.

Doing the same thing, of course.

My mom made the most bad-ass oatmeal raisin cookies. I'm thinking of going on a diet of them, but that might lean more towards the Jabba the Hutt end of the physique spectrum. Like I should even bother to care anymore.

Though I've been wearing make-up to work and I shaved my legs this morning. I also tried on my bathing suit over the weekend and I don't look too bad. I've been doing crunches to strengthen my stomach muscles, but I'm having the hardest time. I end up straining my neck and back and I don't know how to do otherwise. It's pissing me off. Bastard body. It refuses to work with me.

I feel like the most eligible bachelorette at Argosy. I get excited over a smile, and am delighted to find again the fluttering in my stomach. I had almost forgotten that feeling. The new feeling.

Not that it is likely I will date anyone. Maybe if I had bigger breasts. Or a smaller face.

Alas, this is not a world for we turnip faced few.

astera at 10:52 p.m.

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